
This blog aims to chart my rise from middle aged, slightly overweight lazy so and so, to lean, mean cycling machine. Done on a budget in both terms of money and time, if it inspires you great, if it amuses you great also.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Sign burning crazies

In a bit of a rush to get out tonight, having ridden only once at the weekend, I had an itch to get out and put some miles in. Dropped off in Tunstall, plan was to go to Doddington, Lynstead, Teynham and back home, nice loop in my mind. Well the sign burning yokels have been out in a desperate attempt to keep us townies out of their villages, they go out at night, turn signposts to face different directions, or burn them, whilst dancing naked with suckling pigs.
In one village (that will remain nameless) the residents of Wormshill chased me - en masse, carrying sharpened barbour jackets and wielding pitch forks. One of them, wild staring mouth and drooling eyes shouted "BURN THE TIGHT TROUSERED INVADER!" I got the last laugh, I managed to escape and circled back to add some of my own organic fertiliser to their vegetables.
Due to the sign burning shenanigans, got a bit discombobulated in terms of my EXACT location but ultimately ended up where I wanted to be, though not necessarily when or how.
En route I saw a wolf disguised as a fox, crosss the road in front of me, I only know it wasn't a werewolf, because by the time I got home, I could see a thin crescent moon.

On a sad note - bad news about the Giro De Italia (or just the Giro to us riders with proper lycra pants) who died in the race today. It's a heck of a sacrifice for something you love so much.

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