
This blog aims to chart my rise from middle aged, slightly overweight lazy so and so, to lean, mean cycling machine. Done on a budget in both terms of money and time, if it inspires you great, if it amuses you great also.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Racing the sunset

Having left work at 4.30 I was desperate to get a good long ride in, having endured several days of stupid winds. The day was reasonably calm, but bright blue skies.
Anyhow, I managed to set off by 5.30 on a great route, enjoying the best of autumn riding. So there's some downsides but for every shadow there has to be light.
Flies in the mouth - at least they contain carbohydrate.
Low sun in the eyes - there will be an awesome sunset.
Cold arms - I can warm them up wrapped around the soup dragon.
In the end I managed just under 30 before the sun dipped below the horizon. Bike riding like a dream, and I've even managed to rediscover a good set up, now knownothingbozo, stop tinkering!
Up to 1433 miles now, so 1500 is an easy achievement, maybe even by the weekend. Then it's a question of what I am going to be able to do during the winter. Perhaps some early shifts and late shifts will give me daytime riding, then hold out hope for a good long one each weekend. I reckon 200 miles a month is achievable.
On the sad news, I've shaken hands with the soup dragon on a deal not to buy a new bike for another year. All my cognitive distortions have come crashing to the ground in the face of cold hard facts. So I now have to remind myself (and this ride is a good example) that just riding is fun, on any bike. By the time I get my shiney super lightweight dream machine, I'll be very much fitter with many more miles under my tires, and ready for the next level - riding with someone else!
I now have a smart phone with android, so watch out for lots of fun facts and figures as it (hereon known as Mrs Data - the geeks will appreciate this) spits out the daily reminders of what a lazy bloke I am.

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